Large print and audio books for sale.
Requirements: Everyone can buy books from this company.
Large print and audio books for sale.
Requirements: Everyone can buy books from this company.
Website is under construction; mostly books for older people.
Requirements: Everyone can buy books from this company.
Large print books for sale.
Requirements: Interesting to people in need of large print.
Children’s braille books.
Requirements: Appropriate for children and their parents.
Books in braille for children and adults.
Requirements: Appropriate for anyone liking braille.
Teaching materials and braille books.
Requirements: Mostly for blind and visually impaired, and people learning braille.
Store selling products for visually impaired. Website is for sale.
Requirements: Mostly appropriate for people with vision loss.
Many libraries have audio books.
Requirements: Everyone can enjoy audio books.
Audio and braille transcription service.
Requirements: Everyone can use items, , except if books are protected by copy write. In that case, people need to belong to NLS.
Audio books.
Requirements: Everyone can get the items.