Agency is located in Philadelphia; produces books in alternate media.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Agency is located in Philadelphia; produces books in alternate media.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Membership for Education and Rehabilitation for the visually impaired.
Requirements: Interested professional and other parties benefit from this organization.
Can provide scholarships for people with vision loss.
Sells accessible cell phones.
Audio and braille transcription service.
Requirements: Everyone can use items, , except if books are protected by copy write. In that case, people need to belong to NLS.
Plays different shows such as radio drama.
Requirements: Anyone can listen.
Resells audio books.
Requirements: Everyone can enjoy this.
Produces audio described movies.
Requirements: Need to be blind or visually impaired.
Dance company for people with disabilities.
Requirements: Check for requirements.
Bank can produce statements, both in Braille and Large Print.
Sailing group for people with disabilities.
Requirements: Check for requirements.
List of gyms with indoor rock climbing.
Requirements: Everyone can join, mostly self guided, some classes through BORP in Berkeley.
Sells talking medical equipment and large print equipment.
Riding club; has programs for people with disabilities.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Full optometric services including low vision evaluation.
Requirements: Call for requirements.