Full optometric services including low vision evaluation.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Full optometric services including low vision evaluation.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Bags for dog droppings.
Does eye research and provides ophthalmology services.
Provides screen readers, etc.
Large print books for sale.
Requirements: Interesting to people in need of large print.
Club is through the VA in Palo Alto.
Requirements: Check for requirements.
Low vision evaluations.
Requirements: May need to be referred by regular eye doctor.
Provides voice software.
Good place for treating guide dogs.
Produces Braille Translation Software.
Provides services to people with visual impairments, including low vision evaluations.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Full optometric services including low vision evaluation.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
Provides assistance to employers.
Requirements: Appropriate for employers and people interested in employment.
company mostly providing items for special needs students and school districts.
Camp through the SF Lighthouse; operates different camps for children and adults.
Requirements: Check for requirements.