Sells low vision products.
Requirements: anyone can order.
Sells low vision products.
Requirements: anyone can order.
Trips accessible for people with disabilities.
Requirements: Call for trips and requirements.
Organization for epilepsy treatment, research, etc.
Requirements: Anyone interested in epilepsy issues can join. Many times visual impairment and epilepsy are concurring conditions.
Has many different magnifiers and specialized glasses.
Requirements: Mostly deals with organizations and eye doctors, does not sell to individuals.
Sells cases for different VI products.
Full optometric services including low vision evaluation.
Requirements: Call for requirements.
May need to be referred by regular eye doctor.
Delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to people at their homes.
Sells window eyes and other screen reading equipment.
Downloadable music.
Requirements: Anyone can use website.
Researches blindness-related topics and how to fight blindness.
A major distributor of JAWS.
Improve visual skills.
Glaucoma research.
Optometrist can do low vision evaluations.
Requirements: Ask for requirements, located in San Francisco.